The Book
Holistic pet care for dogs and cats’ health
Paul McCutcheon, DVM, has developed his stress-based, holistic approach to pet care over more than 40 years of practice. Now his approach is available to everyone in The New Holistic Way for Dogs and Cats: The Stress-Health Connection. His method has helped thousands of animals to significantly improve, such as Tara and Checkers, below.
Holistic Health Care is More Than a Set of Treatments
Holistic healthcare has become synonymous with natural therapeutic methods, and these modalities have revolutionized how we care for our pets. And yet something has been missing that The New Holistic Way for Dogs and Cats provides: a philosophy of caring that incorporates mainstream modalities such as surgery and drugs along with natural modalities such as homeopathy, acupuncture, herbal medicine, and many more into a holistic context. By focusing on how stress affects every aspect of the health of dogs and cats, Dr. McCutcheon has developed a comprehensive, practical, and science-based approach to maintaining our pets’ wellness and to responding effectively whenever they become unwell or ill. Topics include feeding, vaccinations, socialization, home life, environment, emotional expectations, and the value of non-conventional treatments. The book will clear up confusions you might have about choosing between natural and mainstream modalities and the varying perspectives that veterinarians may have today. It is filled with stories of how Dr. McCutcheon’s own patients have improved thanks to his approach, and the chapter devoted to three of the most challenging conditions veterinarians are seeing today — allergies, autoimmune illness, and cancer — demonstrate the value of his approach even for these health care nightmares. Dr. McCutcheon’s preventive approach to pet care is welcome advice for the millions of people who want to give their pet as good a quality of healthcare as they seek for themselves.

Success stories: A dog who had blood cancer
Tara, a soft-coated wheaten terrier, had an aggressive blood cancer of which dogs typically die very quickly. Dr. McCutcheon determined that Tara had genetic stress indicated by lifelong allergies, dietary stress from inappropriate food, and iatrogenic (medically-caused) stress following the dozens of vaccinations, antibiotics, and steroids she’d received over her lifetime. He removed Tara’s tumourous spleen to buy time for slow-acting, supportive therapies to help her, and recommended an unprocessed diet, drainage remedies, homeopathics, and specific nutritional supplements selected to improve her immune response. Her cancer did not return.

Success Stories: A cat with recurring bladder infections
Even after several rounds of antibiotics, Checkers’s bladder infection kept coming back. When Dr. McCutcheon took the case, he learned the cat suffered from emotional stress. Checkers hadn’t adjusted to the apartment to which his family had moved. He didn’t like his new litter box. And he was now alone all day and had become lonely and bored. Dr. McCutcheon provided a calming flower remedy and coached Checkers’s people to put back his old litter box and have someone visit him while they were at work. With these changes in place, Checkers’s infection cleared up without further antibiotics. This time, it did not recur.